Virgin Money London Marathon 2014

The greatest marathon in the world - Entry now closed

Run the Virgin Money London Marathon for Phab in support of Phabkids

Minimum pledge £1650 (excluding Gift Aid)

When you join our team we will provide you with:

  • Email training programme
  • Free Phabkids Hi -Tec running vest
  • Visit the Phabkids stand at the Virgin Money London Marathon exhibition at Excel
  • Free Asics running shoes if you raise over £1900
  • Post race meet and greet in a private area in St James's Park
  • Refreshments, showers and post race massage

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I apply through the ballot as well as applying for a Golden Bond place?

When do I get my runners pack?

If I sustain an injury prior to the race am I committed to still send the minimum amount pledged?

If I sustain an injury and have to withdraw will I automatically be allocated a Golden Bond place for the following year?

Do Phab have a post race meeting point on race day?

Can Phab help with accommodation?

When do Phab require sponsorship money in by?

Do Phab supply running vests?

When, where and how do I register?

Can Phab supply collection boxes?

How do I fundraise?

Can my sponsors pay by credit card or debit card?

Can Phab supply me with a letter of authority?

If I raise some or all my sponsorship via an on line fundraising page , is the 25% Gift Aid considered to be part of the pledge?

Is it OK to put sponsors logos on my own vest/T-shirt?

Should I put my name on my running vest.

To whom do I make my sponsorship cheques payable?