Virtual Fundraising

The outbreak of coronavirus is affecting all our lives in lots of different ways. If your fundraising plans have been postponed or cancelled, we've put together a selection of ideas for virtual fundraising that you can do from home instead.

Phab and Phabkids would like to thank you most sincerely for all of your support and we are working hard to open our network of clubs, and restart our holiday projects, when it is safe to do so.

Please don’t under estimate what a difference your donation makes to us.  Here is a link to some of our films -

You've mastered the virtual world over the last year, now turn those skills to hosting your own online fundraising event using platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google meet.  All of these platforms offer a free service with a variety of features to enhance your virtual event.  A fantastic option when you consider you are able to reach upto 100 participants.  Zoom will give you 40 minutes free.  Mirosoft Teams and Google Meet are currently offering their users 24 hours free but this is likely to change to 60 minutes on the 29th March.

We have attached a Zoom tutorial HERE if you need some help.  For help with Microsoft Team click HERE and finally if you are using Google Meet click HERE.

We have lots of virtual fundraising ideas for you to help get those creative juices flowing.

For all your virtual fundraising ideas, click HERE